براااااااااااااااااااااج حماية لكل الاجهزة 2011
برنامج VIPRE Rescue Scanner 3.1.2837.0 برنامج مسح وتنظيف جهاز كمبيوتر
برنامج VIPRE Rescue Scanner برنامج مسح وتنظيف جهاز كمبيوتر بالكامل بكل سهولة
تحميل برنامج
VIPRE Rescue Scanner 3.1.2837.0
برنامج VIRUSfighter Server 6.6.63 برنامج مكافحة الفيروسات
22 سبتمبر 2010
تابع لقسم برامج مكافحة الفيروسات بواسطة مؤمن أينو الوقت 11:37 ص
برنامج VIRUSfighter Server برنامج مكافحة الفيروسات لمايكروسوفت ويندوز سيرفر التي هي سهلة لتثبيت على الخادم الخاص بك ويعطيك أفضل حماية يمكنك الحصول عليها
تحميل برنامج VIRUSfighter Server 6.6.63
برنامج Vba32 Control Center برنامج لحماية الجهاز من الفيروسات
برنامج Vba32 Control Center مركز التحكم مع واجهة على شبكة الإنترنت هو المنتج الذي يسمح بإنشاء إدارة مركزية وجمع الإحصاءات من الفيروسات VBA32 يعمل في محطات عمل الشبكة.
المنتج هو الوسيلة الأساسية لترتيب الشركات نظام الحماية من الفيروسات للأعمال التجارية الصغيرة والمتوسطة وكذلك للشركات الكبيرة مع الإدارات موزعة جغرافيا.
تحميل برنامج Vba32 Control Center
برنامج Muce Removal Tool برنامج لحماية جهازك من الفيروسات وملفات التجسس
4 أغسطس 2010
تابع لقسم برامج مكافحة الفيروسات بواسطة مؤمن أينو الوقت 11:42 م
برنامج Muce Removal Tool برنامج لإزالة الملفات والبرمجيات الخبية والسيئة جداً التي تظر معظم البرامج وخصوصاً برامج مايكروسوفت ومنها الملفات الخبيثة التالية including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom فشركة Microsoft تنصح وبشده باستخدام هذه الاداءه المفيدة والمهمة جداً الاداة قوية جداً على ملفات معينة من الفيروسات والتروجانات ملفات تجسس وغيرها بمعنى هي متخصصة في الملفات التي لا يتكتشفها اي مكافح فيروسات ولكن ينصح باستخدام مكافح فيروسات اخر بجانبها والبرنامج متوافق مع Windows All
تحميل برنامج Muce Removal Tool
برنامج Kaspersky Small Office Security 1.1 برنامج لمكافحة الفيروسات
24 يوليو 2010
تابع لقسم برامج مكافحة الفيروسات بواسطة مؤمن أينو الوقت 8:44 م
برنامج Kaspersky Small Office Security برنامج حماية شاملة لمحطات العمل ومزودات الملفات التي تعمل في ظل أنظمة ويندوز.
وتشمل التحديثات الجديدة للحل الأمني (Kaspersky Small Office Security) محركاً حديثاً لمكافحة الفيروسات،
مع زيادة كبيرة في معدل كشف التهديدات الأمنية، واستهلاك أقل ما يمكن من موارد الحاسوب، وسهولة في التحديث، ويتمتع بمحلل اكتشافي صمم لمنع البرمجيات الخبيثة الجديدة من التأثير على الحواسيب.
ويستطيع هذا الحل الأمني أن يكتشف السطور البرمجية الخبيثة
وكذلك الروابط التي تقود إلى مواقع ويب مزيفة تنتحل شخصية المواقع الأصلية ومرسلة بشكل خفي عبر برامج التراسل الفوري مثل ( إم اس إن و أي سي كيو).
ويتوفر هذا الحل الأمني ضمن علبة تتضمن كل المحتويات اللازمة للتركيب والتشغيل السريعين،
أما مزايا التخصيص فهي بحدها الأدنى نظراً لكون الشركة جهزت إعداد البرنامج بالشكل الأمثل الذي ينسجم مع احتياجات أغلب الشركات الصغيرة.
وقالت الشركة إن النسخة المحدثة من برنامج Kaspersky Small Office Security سهلة الاستخدام ولاتتطلب مهارات متقدمة في مجال تقنية المعلومات لتشغيلها،
مما يعني أنه لا حاجة للحصول على خدمات المختصين في مجال تقنية المعلومات،
كما أن واجهة الاستخدام السهلة تعني أن الحل يمكن تركيبه وتشغيله خلال وقت قصير جداً.
كما يتوافق التحديث الجديد لـ (Kaspersky Small Office Security) مع نظام مايكروسوفت ويندوز 7
تحميل برنامج Kaspersky Small Office Security 1.1
BitDefender Antivirus Pro 2011 For x86/x64
BitDefender Antivirus Pro 2011 – Professional anti-virus program with features designed for extra security on your computer. The program provides advanced proactive protection against viruses, spyware, phishing scams and identity theft, without slowing down your computer.
The new version of antivirus BitDefender Antivirus Pro 2011 expanded the quick scan, access to training videos, the output of intelligent tooltips, creating shortcuts on the toolbar, warning about the potential dangers of pages displayed in search results.
The Main Components of BitDefender Antivirus Pro 2011
Antivirus and antispyware
Protection against phishing
Encrypting chats
Quick Scan
Family Network Protection
Verification of Smart Scan
Planner Smart Schedule
Help System Smart Help
Smart Sense
Personal Toolbar
The new version of antivirus BitDefender Antivirus Pro 2011 expanded the quick scan, access to training videos, the output of intelligent tooltips, creating shortcuts on the toolbar, warning about the potential dangers of pages displayed in search results.
The Main Components of BitDefender Antivirus Pro 2011
Antivirus and antispyware
Protection against phishing
Encrypting chats
Quick Scan
Family Network Protection
Verification of Smart Scan
Planner Smart Schedule
Help System Smart Help
Smart Sense
Personal Toolbar
نسخه البرنامج
حجم النسخه 461 ميجا مقسم الى 4 اجزاء حجم كل جزء 120 ميجا و الاخير 101 ميجا
الجزء 1 - الجزء 2 - الجزء 3 - الجزء 4
كراك البرنامج :
BitDefender 2011 Lifetime Crack
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011
Kaspersky telah menyelesaikan Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 dan rilis versi final untuk di download publik. Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 ini dilengkapi dengan berbagai teknologi baru , banyak yang unik untuk produk Kaspersky Lab, menyediakan deteksi lebih akurat dan respon lebih cepat ke setiap ancaman TI.
Sementara itu, Kaspersky juga meningkatkan fitur keamanan dan menambahkan fitur baru pada Kaspersky Internet Security 2011. Beberapa fitur baru Teknologi Sistem Watcher, Aman dan Surf gadget . Jadi, di bawah ini adalah fitur baru dan fitur peningkatan pada Kaspersky Internet Security
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011, Fitur Baru dan peningkatannya:
(Baru) Sistem teknologi Watcher – Cutting-edge teknologi Watcher Sistem monitor dan analisis sistem setiap peristiwa secara akurat mendeteksi setiap perilaku berbahaya. Jika ancaman terjadi, pengguna akan diminta untuk memutar kembali aktivitas program jahat.
New) Safe Surf fitur untuk keamanan online yang tak tertandingi – Dengan Safe Surf Anda, Regular update database dari Kaspersky Lab Safe Surf berarti bahwa secara otomatis akan memblokir situs yang tidak diinginkan yang muncul.
(Peningkatan) proaktif perlindungan real-time melawan semua ancaman Internet – Mencegah semua jenis malware yang dikenal dan tidak dikenal menginfeksi komputer Anda.
(Baru) Desktop Gadget – Memeriksa PC Anda, perlindungan status dan cepat mengakses fitur keamanan dan pengaturan pilihan.
(Peningkatan) Perlindungan untuk identitas digital Anda sepanjang waktu – Smart perlindungan anti-phishing dan Virtual Keyboard menjaga identitas digital Anda benar-benar aman ketika Anda belanja, perbankan atau online jaringan sosial.
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 kompatibel dengan 32-bit dan versi 64-bit dari Microsoft, dari XP hingga Windows 7.
Sementara itu, Kaspersky juga meningkatkan fitur keamanan dan menambahkan fitur baru pada Kaspersky Internet Security 2011. Beberapa fitur baru Teknologi Sistem Watcher, Aman dan Surf gadget . Jadi, di bawah ini adalah fitur baru dan fitur peningkatan pada Kaspersky Internet Security
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011, Fitur Baru dan peningkatannya:
(Baru) Sistem teknologi Watcher – Cutting-edge teknologi Watcher Sistem monitor dan analisis sistem setiap peristiwa secara akurat mendeteksi setiap perilaku berbahaya. Jika ancaman terjadi, pengguna akan diminta untuk memutar kembali aktivitas program jahat.
New) Safe Surf fitur untuk keamanan online yang tak tertandingi – Dengan Safe Surf Anda, Regular update database dari Kaspersky Lab Safe Surf berarti bahwa secara otomatis akan memblokir situs yang tidak diinginkan yang muncul.
(Peningkatan) proaktif perlindungan real-time melawan semua ancaman Internet – Mencegah semua jenis malware yang dikenal dan tidak dikenal menginfeksi komputer Anda.
(Baru) Desktop Gadget – Memeriksa PC Anda, perlindungan status dan cepat mengakses fitur keamanan dan pengaturan pilihan.
(Peningkatan) Perlindungan untuk identitas digital Anda sepanjang waktu – Smart perlindungan anti-phishing dan Virtual Keyboard menjaga identitas digital Anda benar-benar aman ketika Anda belanja, perbankan atau online jaringan sosial.
Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 kompatibel dengan 32-bit dan versi 64-bit dari Microsoft, dari XP hingga Windows 7.
حجم النسخه 101 ميجا على رابط واحد
Norton Internet Security 2011
Symantec Corporation merupakan sebuah perusahaan multinasional yang menghasilkan berbagai macam perangkat lunak, dan salah satu produknya yang cukup terkenal yaitu Norton Internet Security.
Norton Internet Security bisa dibilang merupakan salah satu aplikasi keamanan komputer yang cukup lengkap. Walaupun tidak khusus dirancang untuk menghalau virus, namun aplikasi ini bisa dimanfaatkan oleh pengguna untuk melindungi diri dari berbagai ancaman kejahatan cyber.
Norton Internet Security 2011 merupakan software yang dapat digunakan untuk meminimalkan resiko ketika pengguna komputer sering melakukan banyak aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan internet. Fitur tersebut meliputi Insight Protection, Anvirus, Antispyware, Sonar Protection, Smart Firewall, Intrution Detection, Email Protection, Identity Safe, Browser Protection, Safe Surfing, Download Intelligence.
Control Console
Pada bagian ini pengguna dapat melakukan berbagai hal seperti backup data secara online di server Symantec, melihat daftar situs yang bermasalah, hingga menentukan situs mana saja yang boleh dikunjungi oleh pengguna.
Proses scanning komputer pada aplikasi ini tidak berbeda dengan seri terdahulu. Pengguna dapat melakukan proses pemindaian terhadap program jahat dalam beberapa modus seperti quick scanning atau full scanning.
Safer Download
Hampir sama dengan aplikasi keamanan lainnya. Safer Download akan menganalisa terlebih dahulu file apa saja yang bakal didownload oleh pengguna. Apakah itu email, atau file dari situs seperti Rapid share.
Performance Alert
Jika pada seri terdahulu Norton Internet Security hanya memberikan grafis mengenai performa komputer, pada seri terbaru ini hal tersebut sedikit ditingkatkan.
Norton Internet Security bisa dibilang merupakan salah satu aplikasi keamanan komputer yang cukup lengkap. Walaupun tidak khusus dirancang untuk menghalau virus, namun aplikasi ini bisa dimanfaatkan oleh pengguna untuk melindungi diri dari berbagai ancaman kejahatan cyber.
Norton Internet Security 2011 merupakan software yang dapat digunakan untuk meminimalkan resiko ketika pengguna komputer sering melakukan banyak aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan internet. Fitur tersebut meliputi Insight Protection, Anvirus, Antispyware, Sonar Protection, Smart Firewall, Intrution Detection, Email Protection, Identity Safe, Browser Protection, Safe Surfing, Download Intelligence.
Control Console
Pada bagian ini pengguna dapat melakukan berbagai hal seperti backup data secara online di server Symantec, melihat daftar situs yang bermasalah, hingga menentukan situs mana saja yang boleh dikunjungi oleh pengguna.
Proses scanning komputer pada aplikasi ini tidak berbeda dengan seri terdahulu. Pengguna dapat melakukan proses pemindaian terhadap program jahat dalam beberapa modus seperti quick scanning atau full scanning.
Safer Download
Hampir sama dengan aplikasi keamanan lainnya. Safer Download akan menganalisa terlebih dahulu file apa saja yang bakal didownload oleh pengguna. Apakah itu email, atau file dari situs seperti Rapid share.
Performance Alert
Jika pada seri terdahulu Norton Internet Security hanya memberikan grafis mengenai performa komputer, pada seri terbaru ini hal tersebut sedikit ditingkatkan.
حجم النسخه 132.61 ميجا على رابط واحد
Symantec Norton Internet Security 2011
كراك البرنامج
NOD32 Smart Security
ESET NOD32 - Solusi untuk Melindungi komputer di rumah Anda dari virus, Trojans, worms, adware, spyware, serangan phishing, rootkit. ESET Smart Security - sebuah solusi keamanan cerdas terintegrasi untuk komputer rumah dari virus, Trojans, worms, spyware, adware, rootkit, serangan hacker, spam dan serangan phishing. ESET Smart Security meliputi antivirus, antispyware, antispam, firewall pribadi.
Sistem Direkomendasikan Persyaratan untuk ESET Smart Security ESET NOD32 4.2 :
Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/Home Server/XP/2000
Prosesor 1 GHz, 32-bit (x86) atau 64-bit (x64)
512 MB RAM
130 MB ruang hard disk bebas
Sistem Direkomendasikan Persyaratan untuk ESET Smart Security ESET NOD32 4.2 :
Microsoft Windows 7/Vista/Home Server/XP/2000
Prosesor 1 GHz, 32-bit (x86) atau 64-bit (x64)
512 MB RAM
130 MB ruang hard disk bebas
حجم النسخه 51.85 ميجا على رابط واحد
كراك البرنامج
Avira AntiVir Premium
The Avira AntiVir application was designed to be a comprehensive and flexible tool you can rely on to protect your computer from viruses, malware, unwanted programs, and other dangers.
Key features of Avira Premium :
· AntiVir stops all types of viruses
· AntiAd/Spyware eliminates ad/spyware
· AntiPhishing proactive protection against phising
· AntiRootkit against hidden rootkit threats
· AntiDrive-by prevents against downloading viruses when surfing
· EmailScanner enhanced email protection
· WebGuard protection against malicious websites
· RescueSystem create a bootable rescue CD
· QuickRemoval eliminate viruses at the push of a button
· NetbookSupport for laptops with low resolution.
Key features of Avira Premium :
· AntiVir stops all types of viruses
· AntiAd/Spyware eliminates ad/spyware
· AntiPhishing proactive protection against phising
· AntiRootkit against hidden rootkit threats
· AntiDrive-by prevents against downloading viruses when surfing
· EmailScanner enhanced email protection
· WebGuard protection against malicious websites
· RescueSystem create a bootable rescue CD
· QuickRemoval eliminate viruses at the push of a button
· NetbookSupport for laptops with low resolution.
حجم النسخه 78.51 ميجا على رابط واحد
F-Secure Internet Security 2011
F-Secure Internet Security provides a complete and easy-to-use protection against all Internet threats, whether they are known or previously unidentified.
This protection software includes an award-winning antivirus, an easy-to-use personal firewall, an improved antispyware and a new technology, F-Secure DeepGuard 2.0, that constantly monitors the very heart of your computer, ensuring that no malicious programs can take over your computer even if you do not have all the latest updates.
In addition, the product filters unwanted spam and so-called phishing attempts from your eMail, and with the parental control, you can block access to websites with questionable content.
F-Secure Internet Security comes with F-Secure DeepGuard™ 2.0, introducing network-based instant recognition of both safe and malicious software, which is able to protect you in 60 seconds from the first confirmation of a new threat.
No other antivirus vendor has such "in-the-cloud" real-time protection network deployed globally.
Fastest protection in the online world! Within the last few years, ever more evidence has shown that online attacks are now being used for financial reward.
The professional, money-driven criminals want to stay unnoticed, and they are using very advanced technologies to hide themselves from data security solutions and exploiting even the smallest time window they have before a general recognition for their attack is available.
حجم النسخه 54.24ميجا على رابط واحد
Panda Global Protection 2011
Protect yourself from all kinds of online threats: virus, hackers, online fraud, identity theft and all other known and unknown malware.
Keep your inbox spam-free and navigate safely and privately on the internet with the new Panda safe Browser. Your children will navigate safely on the Internet with the improved Parental Control, while the Panda Secure Vault will allow you to encrypt private folders and files or eliminate them forever.
Key Features:
Firewall & Identity Protect
Anti-Spam & Parental Control
Optimization & Backup
New! Multimedia/Gaming Mode
New! Home Network Manager
New! File Encryption & Shredding
New! Remote PC Access
Plus! Safe Browser (Sandboxing)
Keep your inbox spam-free and navigate safely and privately on the internet with the new Panda safe Browser. Your children will navigate safely on the Internet with the improved Parental Control, while the Panda Secure Vault will allow you to encrypt private folders and files or eliminate them forever.
Key Features:
Firewall & Identity Protect
Anti-Spam & Parental Control
Optimization & Backup
New! Multimedia/Gaming Mode
New! Home Network Manager
New! File Encryption & Shredding
New! Remote PC Access
Plus! Safe Browser (Sandboxing)
حجم النسخه 74.2ميجا على رابط واحد
McAfee Total Protection 2010
McAfee® Total Protection 2010
Ultimate, award-winning PC and online security for total peace of mind
Ingredients :
Two-way Firewall
Website Safety Ratings
Identity Protection
Parental Controls
Data Backup
BONUS! McAfee Anti-Theft
Upgrading your operating system can be frightening, especially when you don't know if your old software is compatible. That's why we've been working hard to ensure that McAfee® Total Protection software is compatible with the new Windows 7 operating system.
Even if you've recently purchased a McAfee product, automatic updates keep your software up to date which means when you're ready for Windows 7, McAfee is ready for you! So you can relax and put your mind at ease knowing that we've got you covered.
Support :
(OS : Windows7, Windows Vista, Windows XP)
Ultimate, award-winning PC and online security for total peace of mind
Ingredients :
Two-way Firewall
Website Safety Ratings
Identity Protection
Parental Controls
Data Backup
BONUS! McAfee Anti-Theft
Upgrading your operating system can be frightening, especially when you don't know if your old software is compatible. That's why we've been working hard to ensure that McAfee® Total Protection software is compatible with the new Windows 7 operating system.
Even if you've recently purchased a McAfee product, automatic updates keep your software up to date which means when you're ready for Windows 7, McAfee is ready for you! So you can relax and put your mind at ease knowing that we've got you covered.
Support :
(OS : Windows7, Windows Vista, Windows XP)
حجم النسخه 110.92ميجا على رابط واحد
Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security 2011
Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security revolutionises Internet Security. Proven Cloud-based technology automatically stops Viruses & Spyware before they reach your computer - it’s a whole new way to protect your PC.
Features Of Titanium Maximum Security :
Finds and blocks annoying and dangerous junk email and image spams. The real-time spam detection provides immediate protection from outbreaks.
Safeguard you from the latest on-line threats today and in the future. Titanium Maximum Security leverages Trend Micro’s Smart Protection Network™ plus real-time antivirus scanning to provide always-on-guard protection keeping you safe from latest, ever-evolving malware threats.
Protect your children from inappropriate websites, limit their time on the Internet, and see detailed reports about what they do online, without having to look over their shoulders.
A password protected folder that can safeguard your sensitive files. If your computer is lost or stolen, you can remotely lock this vault to keep these files safe.
Deleting a file just removes the directory information used to find it, but not the actual data. Secure Erase overwrites deleted files with random data, so that the contents can’t be retrieved.
Recover disk space, make Microsoft® Windows® start faster, clean out your instant messaging history, and optimise your computer’s performance. Schedule automatic tune-ups to keep your PC running smoothly.
Full System Requirements :
Windows® 7 Family, Service Pack 1 or higher
CPU: 1 GHz
Memory: 1 GB
Disk space: 500 MB
Windows Vista®, Service Pack 1 or higher
CPU: 1 GHz
Memory: 512 MB (1 GB recommended)
Disk space: 500 MB
Windows® XP Family (32 bit or higher) Service Pack 3 or higher
CPU: 1 GHz
Memory: 512 MB (1 GB recommended)
Disk space: 500 MB
Features Of Titanium Maximum Security :
Finds and blocks annoying and dangerous junk email and image spams. The real-time spam detection provides immediate protection from outbreaks.
Safeguard you from the latest on-line threats today and in the future. Titanium Maximum Security leverages Trend Micro’s Smart Protection Network™ plus real-time antivirus scanning to provide always-on-guard protection keeping you safe from latest, ever-evolving malware threats.
Protect your children from inappropriate websites, limit their time on the Internet, and see detailed reports about what they do online, without having to look over their shoulders.
A password protected folder that can safeguard your sensitive files. If your computer is lost or stolen, you can remotely lock this vault to keep these files safe.
Deleting a file just removes the directory information used to find it, but not the actual data. Secure Erase overwrites deleted files with random data, so that the contents can’t be retrieved.
Recover disk space, make Microsoft® Windows® start faster, clean out your instant messaging history, and optimise your computer’s performance. Schedule automatic tune-ups to keep your PC running smoothly.
Full System Requirements :
Windows® 7 Family, Service Pack 1 or higher
CPU: 1 GHz
Memory: 1 GB
Disk space: 500 MB
Windows Vista®, Service Pack 1 or higher
CPU: 1 GHz
Memory: 512 MB (1 GB recommended)
Disk space: 500 MB
Windows® XP Family (32 bit or higher) Service Pack 3 or higher
CPU: 1 GHz
Memory: 512 MB (1 GB recommended)
Disk space: 500 MB
حجم النسخه 103.83ميجا على رابط واحد
G Data TotalCare 2011
A new era is beginning: For the first time, the usual optimum high security from G Data TotalCare is completely undetectable. Self-learning fingerprinting and whitelisting accelerate the test-winning protection so that PC performance remains completely unaffected.
G DATA TotalCare offers you the most complete protection with the help of the powerful integrated antivirus, firewall, internet security, antispam and antiphishing filters as well as several useful data management tools.
Here are some key features of "G DATA TotalCare":
* Constant optimum virus detection
* For many years the quickest response time to new viruses
* The latest methods for detecting unknown viruses (behaviour blocking, heuristics, cloud security)
Simple user guidance - ideal for beginners:
* With new one click user interfaces - everything at a glance
* Automatically carries out all protection functions undetected in the background
* Silent firewall without annoying querying
Computer Memory: 512 Mb
Internet Connection
G DATA TotalCare offers you the most complete protection with the help of the powerful integrated antivirus, firewall, internet security, antispam and antiphishing filters as well as several useful data management tools.
Here are some key features of "G DATA TotalCare":
* Constant optimum virus detection
* For many years the quickest response time to new viruses
* The latest methods for detecting unknown viruses (behaviour blocking, heuristics, cloud security)
Simple user guidance - ideal for beginners:
* With new one click user interfaces - everything at a glance
* Automatically carries out all protection functions undetected in the background
* Silent firewall without annoying querying
Computer Memory: 512 Mb
Internet Connection
حجم النسخه 287.91ميجا على مباشر
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